MODAL - 2016
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

MASSICCC platform for SaaS software availability

Participants : Christophe Biernacki, Vincent Kubicki, Matthieu Marbac Lourdelle.

MASSICCC is a demonstration platform giving access through a SaaS (service as a software) concept to data analysis libraries developed at Inria. It allows to obtain results either directly through a website specific display (specific and interactive visual outputs) or through an R data object download. It started in October 2015 for two years and is common to the Modal team (Inria Lille) and the Select team (Inria Saclay). In 2016, two packages have been integrated: Mixmod and MixtComp (see the specific section about MixtComp). In 2017, it is planned to integrate the BlockCluster package. The MASSICCC platform gardually replaces the former BigStat platform available here: https://modal-research.lille.inria.fr/BigStat/. BigStat and MASSICCC have been both presented to an invited talk in October 2016 at the Academy of Sciences in Tunisia [26].

MASSICCC has led to a first short meeting in April 2016 in Lille for obtaining a feedback from company and academic users. Here is the link towards this event: Link. A second similar event is planned in February 2017 in Paris. Joint work with Jonas Renault and Josselin Demont (both at InriaTech).

The MASSICCC platform is available on https://massiccc.lille.inria.fr